Mini Osprey User Manual

General Troubleshooting FAQs:

Q: I'm hitting start on the home page, and it's taking me back to the home page without starting to spin. Also, my Estop is unresponsive or glitchy.
A: First, power off the unit AND the controller. It all needs to be powered off together for around 30 seconds. Then, power on the Mini Osprey vessel FIRST. After that, turn on the LT3. 
This is a problem that can happen from a timing and communication error between the LT3 and the Mini Osprey, where the LT3 is looking to communicate with a device that is not powered on yet. The "fix" is simple, and that is just to turn the Mini Osprey on first, then the LT3. If it happens once to a unit, it is much more likely to happen again, so it is a good practice to keep regardless!
Q: Help! My Mini Osprey quit running mid-wash and I cannot get it to start running again!
A: This is likely due to an over-current situation. Primarily what can cause this is extremely cold temperatures or way too much solid mass within the machine (overloaded). Typically, it is an extremely cold gearbox on the motor that causes this issue. 
This is an extremely simple thing to fix. First, power off both the controller AND the Mini Osprey for 5 minutes. This allows a full reset on the control system. Then, power them back on mini osprey first, then controller. Slowly ramp to your desired speed from 100 RPM. Start at 100 RPM for 1 minute, then 150 RPM for 1 minute, then 200 RPM for 1 minute, and ramp from there.
This should only have to be done when the unit is extremely cold, and it's due to the lubricant's viscosity within the gearbox. This allows it to warm up and reduces the friction from the gears. 

Q: Can I run my Mini Osprey dry with no (cold) water?
A: Do not run the system dry with no water for more than 30 seconds. Ideally, we prefer you always run cold or at least room temp water in the system, as to keep all components cool and extend the lifespan. If the unit is ran dry for some reason, this becomes extremely apparent to us during service!