Something that has plagued the rosin world since the beginning of time: BLOWOUTS! There is nothing worse than working your ass off to create a 4*, 5*, or 6* dry sift/bubble hash just to throw it in your press and have it pop in the press, causing you to repress it. Wasting yield, screens, and your precious time is not the goal here. We found the solution, and I'm proud to release the tech.
The First Step: Fill a 37 micron filter with your material. Don't over do this step, keep it reasonable. We have been able to press 28g of full melt bubble in 2x4 bags with no issues at all, and I would be confident up to 35g MAYBE 40g with this size bag. With our 4x7, I would be confident pressing up to 70g with a 3"x6" filter.
Second Step: Put your filled 37 micron filter inside a 220u stitchless bag.
IMPORTANT: The 37u filter needs to be as big, if not slightly larger than your outside 220u bag. The concept here is to force the stitchless 220u filter to take all the stress of the press, while the 37u bag inside just hangs out and filters the oil.
Really, that's it. Give it a shot. Let us know what you think. :)
- Levi
President of Lowtemp Industries, LLC